On the 21st December my dad was unfortunately brought into hospital via ambulance coughing up blood and chest pain, he became very unwell quickly ended up in intensive care. He was diagnosed flu A+, Pneumonia, hypoxia, AKI stage 2, ?PE and hypo-tension (low blood pressure) and sepsis.
Following tests he was treated with antibiotics and fluids and medication to increase his blood pressure. confirmed diagnosis of Pneumonia with flu a+ present as well. He began to deteriorate and went into septic shock- his oxygen saturation's dropped to 70% and needed 100% oxygen. Dad was very weak due to vomiting blood and was eventually peg fed for nutrition. 
However- on 24 December at 23:46 he was intubated, Christmas eve!! We visited Christmas Day and boxing day were he continued ventilation. On the 27th they took his tube out and he was placed on oxygen. He began to stabilize and was going to be moved down to HDU that night, that night dad had chest pain they x-rayed him and found 3 litres of fluid on his chest!
He didn't moan, cry or shout out due to any pain, he is truly brave and amazed us all at his strength both physically and mentally.

A drain was fitted and he remained in intensive care, we seemed to think dad was getting better slowly, but intensive care stated he had a pleural fistula, a collapsed lung and raised potassium and is very poorly but they have done everything they could and he is on conservative management.
Dad spent 21st Dec to 7th Jan in intensive care. 

However his luck changed- Harefield accepted him to transfer to them so they could operate to remove the pleural fistula and help inflate the lung. He developed a clot in his arm but again did not give up. He went for a 6 hour surgery which tried to inflate lung and fitted a second drain. Two weeks later he was in a side room due to flu a+. So very isolated. 

Dad called and said the operation did not work and the collapsed lung is still collapsed- second operation he went for was 8 hours, removal of ribs, muscle removed and shaped into the lung cavity incision from armpit to top of back, three drains in, woke up from the surgery and within ten minutes asked for food! Haha

Everyone was so shocked at how resilient he was!! 

Week 5 of hospitals, 3 weeks in ITU and now Harefield in a side room, 2 operations, sepsis, shock, blood clot, pneumonia, machines bleeping, poked and prodded every ten mins and he sat up straight with a smile when we visited him daily.

He then had to stay in for a long 45 day course of iv antibiotics and learnt to walk again. 
13 weeks in total he was in Harefield but got discharged with a drain in march 12th (his sons birthday).
He took no pain relief, drank water, tried to mobilise and fight through how he was really feeling.
He got his drain removed 2 weeks ago 24/06/24 due to bleeding again but thankfully its safely out and discharged from Harefield for another 6 months.

I cannot believe how much my dad has gone through and is walking with his head held up, he is so brave and strong but with the hospital setting it can affect many things besides physical health. And we as a family and team would like to do a fundraiser for the hospital for taking a chance on my dad as my dads case was very complex , Dr Anakin who spared the time to talk to dad and treat him with dignity, Dr Anakin's partner within the meetings, support given from cedar ward staff at my dads darkest moments and an appreciation for the whole hospital team whom was involved with dads care.
Without teams like Harefield and Dr Anakin who accepted dad and looked after him even through complicated operations dad wouldn't be here today, they have saved my dad and we want to raise an awareness of how hard the team there work. We would like to raise money for Dr Anakin's team in theatres and cedar ward for all their input. Many families state how lovely Harefield are but wouldn't of been able to treat dad if there wasn't charities raising money for this incredible hospital.

We would like to raise money and awareness of impact these vital services have on our loved ones and improve mental health, as well as physical services they provide, we would like to donate whatever is needed the most in dedication for dad ( John Howell ). 

Goal: make an awareness of mental health and physical health and the impact this can have on ones body/mindset.

emma howell