Back in 2006 my Step Father Raymond Pepper was diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). He was lucky enough to receive a heart transplant in July 2006, this major operation was carried out successfully at Harefield hospital. Then in December 2011 my Grandad had a triple bypass also carried out successfully at Harefield Hospital.
Eleven years later today, Ray is still with us and since his transplant has had a pacemaker fitted. My Grandads triple bypass and Rays successful transplant which has extended his life by 11 years so far is all thanks to the hard work by all the staff at Harefield Hospital. So please help me give a little bit back to Harefield by sponsoring me to run this half marathon. I have only run two 10km runs, so this distance will be a challenge.
I thank you in advance for your support. Kevin Beard