In 2020 we welcomed artist Ian Berry into Royal Brompton Hospital with installations of his #iClapFor artwork. Ian Berry is a British born artist based in Poplar, East London who creates artwork solely from denim. Berry re-uses jeans, jackets, and other denim clothing to create portraits, landscapes and other unique works.
Karen Janody, Head of Arts at Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals said: "It was such a privilege to help Ian Berry project #IClapfor on the front of Royal Brompton. The clapping hands will forever be remembered as the way people would say thank you to the NHS and key workers, so it made the most fantastic birthday gift to the NHS and also all the staff at Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals who have worked tirelessly during Covid-19."
Now you can own a piece of this iconic artwork to support the arts in our hospitals.
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