Diagnosed in 2014 with mild bronchiatitis, allergic asthma and hiatus hernia by my consultant at Harefield. Got given treatment straight away the following day after all my tests were taken. Had to go from every 6 weeks to three months to 6 months now yearly due to me coping better. I was on Predinsolone steroids 40mg in 2014 came off them in August 2017 very proud moment for us all. I had to take lots of medication , inhalers and nebuliser x4 a day now I'm gradually coming off all my medication due to my support I get from my consultant as I get treatment fast that works all the time and a healthy lifestyle. I do breathing exercises daily and keeps achieving in my lung function tests got 100% yesterday ! I'm having to go for an injection at daycase at Harefield soon and a dexa scan for my bones I am very cared for and get cared for and treated like all the patients do I don't get treated any differently.if it wasn't for Harefield I wouldn't of known what would of happened.

Charlotte Ayres