Hello! I'm Girija Agarwal, a 26-year-old doctor and patient who's all set to take on something big – my very first half marathon! And guess what? I'm not just running for the fun of it. I'm running to raise funds for the amazing Royal Brompton Hospital, a place that means the world to me because it's where I got top-notch care during some tough times.

Basically, the Royal Brompton is like a superhero hospital for heart and lung conditions in the UK. They've been a lifeline for folks with complex conditions, from heart disease to severe COVID.

I've met patients who were on their last hope, and the Royal Brompton swooped in to save the day. Now, I'm taking on this half marathon challenge to give back and support the incredible work they do.

The funds raised will help them keep doing what they do best – from cutting-edge research to getting the essential equipment they need. Every bit you chip in, no matter how small, goes a long way in changing lives.

Wanna be a part of this awesome journey? Your support means the world to me, and it'll make a real difference in the lives of patients and their families. Let's do this together! Girija Agarwal