Peter had his second heart attack in December 1993 (he had his first one at the age of 35) and as we were in the area at the time he was referred to Harefield Hospital where he has received excellent care under Dr Ilsley and his excellent teams. His treatment began with a quadruple heart bypass which we were told should give him and extra 15 years. Nearly 30 years later and with many stents and other procedures as well as an implanted defibrillator (CRT-D) we still have him and are grateful to God for his goodness and to Harefield Hospital for their amazing care.
People have been asking what I am going to do now I have retired and having done sponsored walks for other charities over the years decided that this year I would walk for Harefield Hospital.
I found out that the NHS was celebrating 75 years and encouraging people to walk 1000 miles this year. I have already walked 800 miles this year so decided that would not be much of a challenge. So thought I would challenge myself to walk 2000 miles this year. This means I have just over 6miles a day to go or 14000 steps. Yes this will be a challenge especially as my walking as slipped over this year. So time to up my game and hopefully raise a few pounds for a hospital that means so much to us as a family.