Dad was diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in March 2018. Within one month of receiving this devastating news, he resolved to live his life in the best way that he could for as long as possible. He wanted to continue enjoying what he loved the most - spending time with his family and friends, being outside in his garden, working with his tractors and ploughing.

With this as motivation but still with huge trepidation, he determined to do all that he could to fight the effects of this devastating disease. As a result, he took himself out of his comfort zone and travelled the long five hour journey from rural Herefordshire to London for his first appointment.

As soon as we arrived at the RBH, we were made to feel welcome, supported and reassured. The excellent communication and teamwork between the staff in all departments was evident and it ensured that, as we moved from one area of the hospital to another, Dad felt valued as a person rather than being ‘just another patient’.

Regardless of his prognosis, the impact of just two visits to the RBH meant that Dad became motivated to continue living life to the full because he had confidence in the support, expertise and insight provided by the staff.

On his return, Dad was so impressed by this care that he was keen to say thank you. He aimed to promote local fundraising activities to benefit the RBH Charity Patients’ fund.

Sadly, Dad died unexpectedly on the 6th July 2018, just before he was due to return to The Royal Brompton for further treatment.

In acknowledgement of his wishes, donations to benefit the Patients’ Fund were collected at his funeral (in excess of £420).

A future fundraising venture is now being organized by his friends at East Wales and Borders Vintage Enthusiasts, a group of like minded people with whom he spent a great deal of time with. They will be holding a memorial charity ploughing match in March 2019 - see

We (Ted’s family), would like to say a huge ‘thank you’ to the staff at The Royal Brompton Hospital for their ongoing efforts and work for all patients families who seek their care. We fully appreciate that it is not only the medical treatment that makes such a difference to the wellbeing of patients and families, but also the support, care and kindness that they are offered at every step of the way. As a result, we hope that contributions to the RBH Patients’ Fund will help this to continue.

Lesley Green