Yep, that’s me repping the 90’s bowl haircut, riding shotgun along side my bro, Jam Jam💘

Jam was the kinda of kid obsessed with James Bond, Stars Wars and all things Nintendo. A 007 at heart, refusing to wear normal children’s clothing, insisting for a three piece suit instead. It got a lot of bombastic side eyesss from the other kids, but he was on a mission.

And he didn’t stop in his adulthood! His suits were WILD- think cadburys purple and sunshine gold. And they came with new quirks, such as the ‘Get out of jail’ free card hidden in his wallet.

Around the end of school, James successfully secured internship at MI6 and was reading to take his first steps into 00-heaven!

Sadly, it was around the same time he suffered his first, in a very long line of heart attacks and strokes and was later diagnosed with a rare heart defect.

Somehow in all the chaos, he still managed to blow a kiss to this disease everyday and made a point to infuse others to grab life by the balls and dance like no one’s watching.

As a massive thank you for the kindness & dignity the team at Harefield offered my brother in his last days, I’m going ham and having a run, fat boy, run moment for their cross country fundraiser.

All donations will go towards their Haemodialysis appeal.

And I won’t be alone, Daddio & marathon queen, Sueoooo are getting in on the action 💪

If you would like to top up the honey pot with a chunk of change, I promise to get my arse over the finish line.

Equally, I know the struggle is real atm. So no pressure if you can’t donate, well wishers and playlist recommendations are always welcome 😜

And if you fancy stopping by to see the Harris clan, drop me a message on IG for the deets x

Peace & love homies ❤️‍🔥

Katie Harris