Update 15/10: Ian had a bilateral lung transplant on Sunday 10 October. He is fighting like a trooper in ITU at Harefield.

Update 21/9: Ian is now in Harefield waiting for his lung transplant. He has fought for as long as he could, as hard as he could with no complaints. He needs to rest to give his body chance to get strong enough for the transplant

I have had links with Royal Brompton for many years.
Professor Pepper replaced 2 heart valves on my mum. He also also tried his hardest to save my lovely Dad following his heart attack in 2003. Now I find my link with Harefield as my husband Ian is on their lung transplant waiting list due to a disease called Pulmonary Fibrosis.
I chose the firewalk as its easier than jumping out of a plane! Joanne Facer