Thanks to generous supporters of Harefield Hospital, more than £165,000  has been raised surpassing our target needed to acquire six new Haemodialysis machines that will help over 150 severely ill heart and lung patients.

This appeal was started to improve the treatment of critically ill patients with heart and lung conditions who need dialysis, which helps filter blood when the kidneys are unable to do so.

Previously, patients who required dialysis would be treated overnight, which takes 12-hours and requires patients to be connected to loud machines, disrupting their sleep and their comfort. Haemodialysis, however, is a shorter treatment, taking place over 4 hours during the day. The shorter treatment time improves patients' comfort and overall wellbeing, by allowing them to have a less disrupted sleep at night, an essential part of their recovery. 

These machines are truly transformative for reducing treatment and nursing times. It is estimated that over 75 days of valuable nursing care will be saved annually by the new machines.

Sydney Bunting, Transplant Service Manager, said: “A huge thank you to everyone who has supported the fundraising appeal for the Haemodialysis Project at Harefield Hospital. This huge amount of money has allowed us to purchase six haemodialysis machines, carry out estates and plumbing work in 11 rooms to offer an alternative form of dialysis to those that can have it. We have a lovely new troubleshooting room that stores our machines and allows us to fix and troubleshoot in a dedicated space. This appeal will benefit a number of our patients and improve patient care as it offers an alternative potential dialysis treatment with reduced treatment time from around 12 hours to 4 and can free up nursing time. Thanks again to everyone that contributed.”

Thanks to your kind donations, patients will be able to rest better, recover quicker and get home to their families sooner.