I am after your support again but this time, I am going to be getting all hot and sweaty for it!

It's a fact that, without Harefield Hospital, I simply wouldn't be alive anymore. Thanks to their care and expertise, I have been granted a second chance at life after receiving a heart transplant in 2019. The team at Harefield have also got me through some ups and downs since then and I owe so much to this fantastic hospital!

So, to raise much needed funds, I will be taking part in both the Harefield Fun Run and the "Hearts vs Lungs Around the World Challenge" this September.

- The 39th Annual Fun Run takes place on 4th September and is a 4 mile event which will take participants along the banks of the Grand Union Canal before bringing them back to the familiar grounds of Harefield Hospital.

- For all of September, I will also be walking, running, cycling, rowing and maybe even scootering (!) to clock up miles on behalf of Team Heart to see how far we can virtually make it "around the world" against Team Lungs!

Any money you can donate to my fundraiser will go towards the Next Generation Genetics appeal, which will equip the hospital's genetics and genomics team with a brand-new sequencer. This will help the hospital save lives by diagnosing patients with inherited heart and lung conditions, so they can get the treatment they need sooner.

So, I am getting my trainers on, doing my stretches and getting ready to help Team Heart to the win!

Thank you for all so much for your continued support,
Much love
Dave x❤x Dave Webb