My name is Amy, I have Cystic Fibrosis. In 2016 I was so unwell I needed to go onto the transplant list. I was on Bi-Pap and oxygen over night, Oxygen 24/7. Anywhere from 2 litres up to 6 litres.
I had often hospital admissions which would last anywhere from 1-12 weeks at a time.
I waited 2 years for the transplant to go through, the first time I received a call for new lungs we dashed down all hopeful and excited, but sadly this did not go through due to the patient surviving once her life support was taken away, this was Amazon news for her family I couldn't be happier for them because loosing a family member can be very sad and difficult.
After another 5 calls I got the perfect set for me, surgery was 8 hours in total and I had 5 chest drains put in. I wanted to be doctor octopus from spider man as each drain they pulled out hurt like nothing before.
But with the care and help of the doctor's and nurses at Harefield kept me going, kept me strong. They do amazing work to help people like me come through the other end with as little complications as possible.

This year is the 5th year I am taking part in the fun run. I am doing it along side my boyfriend Darren Rice and my bestie Anna Shaw. I am so privileged to have these two in my life to help me.

If you can donate anything it would be a huge help for Harefield to help bring more equipment to help save more people young and old.

Thank you for your love 💕

Amy Mitha