On Sunday 10th September 2023 I will be running the Harefield Fun Run with my family to raise money for Harefield Hospital.

Harefield Hospital and all their staff provided me with the best possible care when I needed it most.

In April 2022, after weeks in Harefield’s Intensive Care ward connected to a machine which pumped my blood because my heart couldn’t, I underwent a successful heart transplant.

Throughout my time at Harefield and everyday since, the care and compassion provided by the staff made the most difficult time immeasurably better.

Myself, Verity, our 4 year old Scarlett and our 1 year old Maya will be running to raise urgently needed money so the hospital can continue its amazing work.

This 4-mile run will be a huge challenge for me but as always I’ll have my family right by my side all the way!

Anything you can spare will make a huge difference to the Harefield Haemodialysis appeal, so crucial dialysis equipment can be purchased to help some of the most critically ill Harefield patients. While in hospital, I saw patients on dialysis and know how much of a difference this equipment will make to them. Billy Over