My niece, had her second son in September 2021, however, she didn't get to experience the enjoyment of her newborn, Ruben, for long, as at 3 1/2 weeks old, he was diagnosed in intensive care with dilated cardiomyopathy. He started life as a happy, healthy little boy, who suddenly suffered this life altering condition.

Charlotte, Patrick, suffered their worst night on New Year's Eve, when they rushed Ruben to hospital and he went into Cardiac Arrest. Our family's world changed, and after 12 days of fighting, Charlotte and Patrick had to say goodbye to Ruben.

They have committed to fundraising £200,000 to support research into the genetics of cardiomyopathy, this is to help get an understanding of this disease so that other parents do not suffer the same agony they did.

This May Elise, Hayley, & I will be taking on a 10 mile walk across the three counties, helping them to work towards their next milestone of £180,000.

If you can help me raise as much money as possible to support Patrick and Charlotte's brave endeavor while they are still grieving, it would be much appreciated!

To know more, please click Ruben's Fund below.

Thank you for your support. mick and jake Gary Dyer