Harefield Hospital is a very special place. It may seem strange to some, but I actually have some very fond memories. I was encouraged to complete some gentle exercises with the physiotherapists, staying fit would keep me in good condition for the heart transplant. Although, as it turned out I didn't need to have the transplant, I did get the bug for exercise. So, almost as an act of defiance, on the 7th April 2024 I will be running the Brighton Marathon raising funds for the Harefield Healing Garden.

During my stay at Harefield Hospital, the Healing Gardens were just a seed of an idea. I took great interest in reading about the plans and designs they had for the corner of land just outside my room window.

‘Harefield Healing Garden’, is now a peaceful place for patients, visitors, and for staff to retreat to, accessed directly from the high dependency Rowan ward. A patients bed can even be wheeled out into the garden! I have since spent many a time relaxing in the Healing Garden awaiting for my next appointment, check up or test.

The presence and future of this garden relies entirely on charitable donations. Your support will cover the costs for plants, compost, new season bulbs, and provide essential help from qualified professional gardeners. To find out what is going on in the Healing Garden, their website www.harefieldhealinggarden.co.uk

Paul Clayton