Tomorrow we're launching our very first crowdfunding campaign to raise £22,000 for Royal Brompton's Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) and the premature babies they care for.

The funds will be used to purchase a second Giraffe Omnibed incubator, used to care for premature babies who need an intervention for their patent ductus arteriosus (PDA).

PDA is when the ductus arteriosus, a short blood vessel that connects the two main arteries of the heart, fails to close. This blood vessel is present in all babies but for most, it closes soon after birth. For other, especially premature babies (50%), it doesn't and requires an intervention.

Royal Brompton is the only place in the UK that can treat premature babies with PDA using catheterisation (using a small, thin tube called a catheter), rather than the surgical alternative. But we only have one incubator. And if it isn't available, babies are sent elsewhere for surgery. This is more invasive a requires longer to recover from.

Your support means less premature babies will have surgery.

How do I get involved?

New to crowdfunding? No problem, so are we! The easiest way to support us is by giving and sharing - giving to the appeal and by sharing with your friends and family. Whether it's by text, social media, word of mouth or by email, spreading the word can make all the difference to this life-changing appeal. 

We'll be sharing more information with you all tomorrow!