In the middle of the holiday period but our hospitals are still working to mend our patients and send them back home again to live their lives to the full. The part which the Charity plays in supporting this amazing life-saving work is vital and energising. Our gifts to support our appeals come in all shapes and sizes from big gifts from Charitable Trusts to Bake Offs and Fun Runs.

And talking of Fun Runs…. Have you registered for the ever popular and, quite frankly unique, Harefield Fun Run? Hundreds of runners and thousands of people join at this outstanding hospital to take part in one of the very best days of the year. It is the best of the community – but also the best of a nation as people come from far and near to say thank you, or perhaps to commemorate and celebrate…. Relationships between Harefield Hospital and the patients and their friends and families are deep and long lasting. I am looking forward to it. Familiar faces and new friends. Thank you to our wonderful sponsors for making it possible. Come and join us – it makes the year complete.  

And September would not be September without the Great Brompton Bake Off – Royal Brompton holds a Bake Off every autumn and they just get bigger and bigger – the cakes look more and more splendid and happily we have a lot of them. Thank you to the many staff and other colleagues who bake for this wonderful event which will be taking place on Thursday September 19th. But you could support our Bake Off wherever you are. Hold your own and support our Charity. We (well Charlotte Coldrey really) has produced a great fundraising guide with lots of recipes and a step by step guide on how to hold the event. Ready, Steady …. Bake. Lots of details here – it would be great if you could join us. I am a hopeless cook but I love to see what emerges – some of the cakes which have been submitted previous years have been amazing. Can you do better? Send me your pictures, I would love to see them.